Anti-vibration and shock mount. Wide load range; Low frequency and multi-application.
- Rangeofomnidirectionalhighdeflectionshockmountsmadewithasquarebaseplateandathreaded core on the upper side.
- The elastomer, in natural rubber, is developed especially for navy applications (other materials on demand).
- Verticalnominal staticload:from 15 kg to1670 daN per mount.
- Axial and radial natural frequencies:4 to8 Hz, depending on the load (see chart).
- Maximumaxialshockdisplacement:45mm(canbeincreasedupto63mmwiththeadditionofwashers).
- Maximum radial shock displacement:45 mm.
- Structural strength:12 g under maximum load.
- Operating temperature: - 30°C to + 80°C.
- Thesemountsprovidebothhighlevelofvibrationisolationandshockprotection.Itshighstructural strengthcorrespondstoacontinuousaccelerationof10gundermaximumload.
- Therangeincludes17differentmountscoveringawideloadrangefrom15kgupto1670kgpermount
- ThismountmeetsthelatestUSandEuropeanshockstandardsinuseinthenavalforcesacrossthe globe.
- Themetalworksareprotectedagainstcorrosion(ie:saltspray).
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