Hutchinson have a range of all steel mounting whose essential element is the « steel cushion » made from woven stainless steel wire and compressed. Steel mountings have considerable mechanical strength as well as high damping characteristics in the order of 10 to 20%, depending on the application. Unaffected by corrosion. Steel mountings are unaffected by oil, grease, solvents, weather conditions and corrosive products. Unaffected by temperature. Steel mountings withstand temperature from -70°C to +300°C without any changes of the characteristics. Low natural frequency: Steel mountings with springs can have natural frequencies as low as 3 Hz, which can provide up to 80% attenuation for low speed rotating machineries.
Metalliccushionsaremadefromdrawn,wovenstainlesssteelwirethatiscompressedintoa geometric shape.
The Vibrachocrange has more than 1000 standard metallic cushions of various sizes and characteristics.
Asmetallic cushions are easy tocreate, custom shapes and characteristics can be developed and produced on request.
- Resistant togrease, oil, water,etcand withstand temperatures from - 70°C to+300°C.
- Thestaticstiffnessofthemetalliccushionensuresprogressivestiffeningandmaintainsaconstant natural frequency fora very wide range ofloads within a small space.
- Theirnaturalfrequencyofbetween12and25Hzanddampingof15to20%.
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