The Traxifle® hanger comprises two metallic U armatures joined by two bounded rubber blocks. High resistance to atmospheric exposure; Very economic; Several fixing methods.
TheTRAXIFLEX® mount comprises two metallic U armatures joined by two bonded rubber blocks.
Itis available in two versions:male/female and female/female.
- Rubberworksincompression-shear.
- The same deflection under nominal load for all types.
- Safety system in case of elastomer failure.
- Economic solution for suppressing structure borne noise.
- Several fixing methods.
- Highresistancetoatmosphericexposure:
Galvanized armatures
Chloroprene elastomer
- Upper metallic part is shaped to simplify orientation while fixing.
- Twohardnessofelastomertoextendthechoiceofmountingasafunctionofload.
- Filtrationofvibrationandtheattenuationoftheconsequentnoise.
- Allowsmovementduetothermalexpansion.