The Nivofix® mount is an adjustable equipment foot comprising a circular disc bonded to a protected elastomer base. Absorbs high frequency vibrations; Corrosion resistant; Anti-slip sole.
Vibrachoc metallic range
TheNIVOFIX®mountisanadjustableequipmentfootcomprisingacirculardiscbondedtoaprotected elastomer base.An adjustment screw permits the leveling.
- Accurate adjustment of the mount to correct the equipment’s seating(adjustment screw, correction of altitude).
- Absorbs high frequency vibrations.
- Corrosion resistant(nitrile elastomer, protective shroud, galvanizedmetallic parts).
- Anti-slip sole (no need to fix).
- Speed of fixing.
- Simple removal of the equipment.
- No shimming.
Conventional (lathe, milling machine) or with a numerical control (ce …
Stamping, cutting, moulding presses vibrate and leads to a noxiousnes …