
Series of all metal low profile mounts with one or two cushions, working in compression only, permitting high dynamic overloads. Mounts can be fixed on floor. These mounts are designed for presses, machine tools, transformers and diesel engines.



data sheet:  
Product Description  

Thissuspensionsystemconsistsofrectangularcushionsmadeofwovencompressedstainlesssteel wire.The VI786 have a Ø9 bored screw hole, so thatthey can be mounted in collars with the diameters required by the user.


-       The mounts system are unaffected by aggressive chemicals, oil, grease and corrosion and withstand extreme temperatures from - 70°C to + 300°C.

-       The natural frequency of between 15 and 20 Hz enables the pipes to be mounted independently of the support and thus reduces noise levels and allows the pipes to expand freely.


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