This mount has been designed to suspend fixed or mobile generators which require a high level of vibration isolation and shock protection
- Abuilt-inadjustablestoplimitstheverticalandlateraldisplacementduringshock.
- Thismountis available in four different alternatives depending on the type of upper fixing needed.
- Itcanbesuppliedwithorwithoutlevelingsystemandwithathreadedholeorathreadedstud.
This mount is available in four different alternatives depending on the type of upper fixing needed:
- 905201:Nolevelingsystem-M24x3.00threadedhole,
- 905202:Built-inlevelingsystem-M24x3.00threadedhole,
- 905203:Nolevelingsystem-M24x3.00threadedstud,
- 905206:Built-inleveling system-M24x3.00threadedstud.