The VIBSOL® mount is made of a round metal cushion covered with anti-slip elastomer pad on both side. High and low temperature with good resistance to fatigue; It offers good stability for the suspended machine; Constant natural frequency over a wide load range.
15 to 30Hz
TheVIBSOL mountismadeofaroundmetalcushioncoveredwithananti-slipelastomerpadon both side.
Itis available in two versions:
- a standard version with a natural frequency of22 to30 Hz (machine tools).
- a thick version (W)with lower stiffnessand a natural frequency of15 to22 Hz
(metal forming machines).
Conventional (lathe, milling machine) or with a numerical control (ce …
Stamping, cutting, moulding presses vibrate and leads to a noxiousnes …
The power conversion for an industrial using, public or private requi …